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WordPress Rest API Vulnerability (v. 4.7-4.7.1)
Repost from: As WordPress continues to grow in popularity, so does the complexity of this open source CMS. WordPress has come a long way from its early days in 2003 as a basic blogging platform and has become the most popular online publishing platform in the...
Five Most Common SEO Mistakes
This article is a re-post from the elegantmarketplace.com Blog Why is SEO THAT important for your online marketing campaign? Without properly SEO-optimized pages, your websites won’t be ranked in search engines in a way that it will be easily accessed by your...
11 Photo Editor Apps from Photoshop to FREE
The internet is becoming an increasingly visual medium. Eye-catching imagery is an essential component of almost any online content, and editing your images is a vital step before displaying them online. However, although Adobe Photoshop is often mentioned as the...
5 Keyword Research Tools for Your Website
Here are five keyword research tools I recommend for startups to begin a well-rounded keyword foundation for SEO.
How to Get Your Google Maps API Key
In June 2016, Google announced that it was shaking up the way users add Google Maps to their website. Going forward, new users will need a Google Maps API key. That means, for the time being at least, existing Google Maps users are unaffected – the maps currently...
What’s New With Your SEO?
Search Engine Optimization has certainly evolved over the years. For a long time we spent a LONG TIME doing keyword research for each client and figuring out the subtle differences between words and phrases and how those should be used, in different parts of the...
Avoid Being Flagged As a Non Secure Site by Google Chrome
The internet is now a part of our everyday lives and we routinely share sensitive and personal information with the websites we visit. Passwords, email IDs, addresses, phone numbers, credit card details and bank information - everything is shared. How certain are we...
How to Add GIFs from Giphy in WordPress Using Giphypress
Do you want to add animated GIFs in your WordPress site? Giphy makes it easy to search, discover, and share animated Gifs on the web, in text messages, and on social media. In this article, we will show you how to easily add animated GIFs from Giphy in WordPress using...
The Best WordPress Support Services
Why Do You Need WordPress Support Services? Image by Rashad Ashurov / shutterstock.com What are you in the business of? Developing WordPress websites? No? That’s odd. Then why do you spend an hour every day with your website when you could be focusing on your...
Google is Giving A Boost To All Secure HTTPS/SSL Sites
Google To Give Secure Sites A Ranking Boost I know my clients are concerned about their rankings on major search engines. Google has announced that going to HTTPS (adding a SSL 2048-bit key certificate on your site) will give you an automatic ranking boost...
New User’s Guide for All in One SEO Pack
I install All in One SEO Pro pack on all the sites I develop because I love it's simple set up, ease of use and how it helps with SEO rankings. You can always customize it a little more if you want so here is an excellent guide for doing just that from my friends at...
Get Google Search for WordPress by Replacing Default Search
The default WordPress search may be fine when you are just starting out, but as your site grows you will start to see some limitations. Notably, as the amount of content on your site increases, you will realize that it doesn’t always show the most relevant results –...
Use the Facebook Tracking Pixel to Increase Conversions
The Facebook Tracking Pixel is a tool you can use to track conversions and customer actions to build optimized ad campaigns that lead to better conversions. The tool comes in the form of a snippet of JavaScript code you can run through your site to track actions users...
When your WordPress site gets de-indexed by Google, Here is how to fix it?
Search engines are the major source of traffic for most websites on the internet. Getting de-indexed from Google can take away most of of your traffic. In this article, we will show you why your WordPress site got de-indexed from Google and what you can do to fix it?...
Risks of Hiring a Bad SEO Company
REPOSTED FROM THE SUCURI Blog Today we are not going to explore malware or any other overtly malicious traffic. Instead this post is a warning about dishonest marketing tactics used by services claiming to improve your website traffic or Search Engine...
Roundup of Free Web Designer Resources
Web designers need a staggering amount of tools and resources to operate. You need the hardware, the design software, the latest eBooks, a subscription or two to good educational resources to stay up to date, the premium fonts, icons, vectors, stock images, and so on....
Display Your WordPress Blog in a Grid Layout
Do you want to display WordPress posts in a grid layout? Most WordPress themes do not come with a grid layout display for your posts. In this article, we will show you how to display your WordPress posts in a grid layout on any theme without writing a single line of...
Typography Trends to Pay Attention to
Thanks to the omnipresence of digital devices, everyone is becoming aware of the importance of digital typography. In the United States alone some 187 million peopleare using smartphones. By 2017 it is estimated that over a third of the world’s population will own...