by admin | Oct 11, 2017 | Hosting & Domains, SEO tips, websites
There are loads of factors, but today I have an infographic for you, which is much easier and more fun to read than a long, boring post.
by admin | May 19, 2016 | Hosting & Domains, jimmycrow blog, SEO tips, websites, Wordpress Tips
Google To Give Secure Sites A Ranking Boost I know my clients are concerned about their rankings on major search engines. Google has announced that going to HTTPS (adding a SSL 2048-bit key certificate on your site) will give you an automatic ranking boost...
by admin | Apr 21, 2016 | Hosting & Domains, jimmycrow blog, Technology, websites
The default WordPress search may be fine when you are just starting out, but as your site grows you will start to see some limitations. Notably, as the amount of content on your site increases, you will realize that it doesn’t always show the most relevant results –...